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June 30, 2004

Baylor Overcompensates On Recruiting Rules?

FROM THE NATION�S LARGEST BAPTIST UNIVERSITY come a series of stricter-than-the-norm recruiting rules.

The rules come one year after the shooting death of Baylor basketball student-athlete Patrick Dennehy.

Baylor�s beefed up screening process will include:

� Minimum SAT of 820 or ACT of 68.

� Quick academic screen by Baylor counselors.

� Transcript evaluations by an Academic Review Committee that includes members outside the athletic department.

� Three references for social decision-making skills, peer group interactions and self-discipline.

� Giving the university written permission to conduct a criminal background check and review prior college disciplinary actions.

"This is new country; it's new territory. It could be something that could transform recruiting in the nation." said Grant Teaff, former Baylor football coach and executive director of the American Football Coaches Association.

Coupled with new NCAA recommendations likely to be approved (private jet restrictions, lavish accommodations, etc.), Baylor could conceivably have the most squeaky-clean corps of student-athletes nationwide in a few years.

(this 165 word excerpt�with attendant commentary--was distilled from a 783 word article in the Houston chronicle of 6-22-04)