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July 24, 2004

Tour de Couch Potato

FROM AMERICA�S INGENIOUS SPORTS TV PROGRAMMERS comes word of a marathon 19-consecutive day run of national, live football games�major college and pro�to be televised from Oct. 28 till Nov. 15.

As the realization of this orgy of gridiron coverage spread across the land, there were immediate concerns of rampant absenteeism and lower productivity in the workplace, lower birth rates, and a low voter turnout for the presidential elections.

Nonetheless, TV networks apparently had little difficulty in getting teams to agree to Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night games. More and more mid-major conferences are hungry for the uncontested national exposure on weeknights, when their game will be the only game televised.

Miami AD Brad Bates says: "On that one night, you are the only college football game being played in the world. That exposure gives the whole school incredible recognition."


The midweek scheduling has caused some eyebrows to be raised due to student-athletes missing more class time and tens of thousands of fans descending on a campus in the hours before a game, which can disrupt the academic environment.

Knight Commission chairman William Friday, says the wall-to-wall TV proves "presidents haven't gotten ahold of the issue, which is driven by money and not academic concerns."

He goes further, "The question is, is this an academic enterprise or are you running an entertainment enterprise? In these manifestations, it looks like entertainment."

More later . . .

For a 19-day stretch this football season at least one major college or NFL game will be televised each day. Here�s the lineup:

Thursday, Oct. 28
Virginia Tech at Georgia Tech

Friday, Oct. 29
Hawaii at Boise State

Saturday, Oct. 30
Georgia vs. Florida at Jacksonville
Southern California at Washington State

Sunday, Oct. 31
Full NFL schedule

Monday, Nov. 1
Miami Dolphins at New York Jets

Tuesday, Nov. 2
Toledo at Miami (Ohio)

Wednesday, Nov. 3
South Florida at Alabama-Birmingham

Thursday, Nov. 4
Louisville at Memphis

Friday, Nov. 5
Marshall at Akron
North Texas at La.-Lafayette

Saturday, Nov. 6
Notre Dame at Tennessee

Sunday, Nov. 7
Full NFL schedule

Monday, Nov. 8
Minnesota Vikings at Indianapolis Colts, 9, ABC

Tuesday, Nov. 9
Toledo at Northern Illinois

Wednesday, Nov. 10
TCU at Louisville

Thursday, Nov. 11
Florida State at N.C. State

Friday, Nov. 12
Southern Mississippi at Memphis
Hawaii at Fresno State

Saturday, Nov. 13
Pittsburgh at Notre Dame
Arizona at Southern California

Sunday, Nov. 14
Full NFL schedule

Monday, Nov. 15
Philadelphia Eagles at Dallas Cowboys

(this 226 word excerpt�with accompanying terse, cynical and incisive commentary�was distilled from a 957 word article from USA TODAY of 7-21-04, as well as remembrances from the visionary film �Network�).